Exam System

A total of 100 marks have been assigned for purpose of examination and grading. The scheme of marking is as under:

Quizes/Projects/Assignments/ Class Presentation/  Practicals/ Case Studies/ Class Participation 30
Mid-Term Examination 20
Final Examination 50
Total 100


Following rules are to be followed for the conduct of examinations:

The schedule will be promulgated in the academic calendar of each semester.

Instructions about conduct of examination and the details of invigilation will be promulgated and circulated to all concerned at least one week before commencement of examination.

To assist the faculty in invigilation duties, a head invigilator will be assigned.

All matters relating to student conduct in the examination hall shall be reported to the head invigilator.

The head invigilator will have the authority to allow/disallow any student(s) involved in misconduct during the examination to continue the examination.

The head invigilator will report all cases of misconduct to the Examination Committee

Students involved in using unfair means or in possession of cheating material are to be immediately expelled from the examination hall and the matter reported to Institute authorities. All matters relating to misconduct/use of unfair means in examination will be dealt with by the Examination Committee

Any student found guilty of cheating or using unfair means in the examination may be awarded a maximum penalty of expulsion from the institute. No “make up” examination will be allowed in any course under any circumstances. Students registered at the Bahria University are expected to behave responsibly and with propriety and are expected to abide by the policies and regulations of the Bahria University. When students fail to meet these expectations, the University reserves the right, under the Bahria University Charter, to take whatever action it deems warranted by student’s misconduct. The University will concern itself with misconduct including the following examples:

Unfair means: This includes but is not limited to dishonest or attempted dishonest conduct at tests or examinations, in which use is made of books, note, diagrams, or other aids not authorized by the examiner. It includes communicating with others for the purpose of obtaining information, copying from the work of others, and purposely exposing or conveying information to other students who are taking the test or examination.

Plagiarism: This includes but is not limited to the presentation or submission of the work of the another person, without citation or credits, as the student’s own work. Plagiarism is that form of academic dishonesty in which one person submits or presents the work of another person as his or her own. The author and source must be clearly acknowledged through footnotes, endnotes, or other accepted practices. Substantial plagiarism exists when no recognition is given to the author for phrases, sentences, thoughts, code, or arguments incorporated in written work or software. Complete plagiarism exists when a whole essay or piece of software is copied from an author, or composed by another person and presented as original work. Unless prior approval has been obtained, a similar situation is created when the same essay or software is submitted for credit in more than one course.

All forms of academic dishonesty, including misrepresentation in essay work, are considered serious offences within the University community.

Actions by Instructor/Invigilator: An instructor who suspects that misconduct has occurred shall investigate the matter immediately. If the misconduct occurs, the instructor shall notify the student at once that the incident is to be reported, and shall immediately report it to the department head or appropriate person in the faculty, who in turn shall notify the Program Leader of that faculty or designates without delay. If after thorough investigation (student shall have the opportunity to explain the incident) the misconduct is established, appropriate action will be taken

When the misconduct consists of cheating, the faculty may assign zero marks for the test in which the cheating occurred or for the entire course.

When the misconduct consists of plagiarism, the faculty may assign zero marks for the plagiarized submission or for the entire course.

The action thus taken shall be reported immediately to the Discipline Committee by the Program Leader of the faculty in which the misconduct occurred, together with a complete description of the evidence upon which the faculty action was based. The faculty shall be informed of the circumstances and of the actions, if any, that are taken in connection with it.